The Post-natal Check Up

The Mummy MOT
The Mummy MOT is a specialist postnatal examination for women following both vaginal and caesarean deliveries. It is carried out by a specialist pelvic health physiotherapist. It is an assessment of your posture, pelvic floor and stomach muscles following the birth of the baby. If you haven’t already returned to exercise, you will be provided with exercises and treatment to help in your recovery and return to exercise safely. It is recommended that you have the initial assessment after your 6-8 week GP check-up however women who months to years following the birth of their baby can be assessed if they are concerned about their stomach gap or pelvic floor.
The Mummy MOT is a 1-hour assessment which includes:
- Full postural assessment
- Abdominal muscle exam to check for any seperation
- Pelvic floor muscle assessment
- Screening for any bladder, bowel or sexual dysfunction
Mums need to bend, squat and lift so we provide clinical post-natal care and functional exercises for female clients following birth no matter how long it is since they have had their baby. Following pregnancy up to half of all women experience weakness in their abdominal and pelvic floor muscles and up to a third still have a gap in their tummy muscles at eight weeks post-natal. This can lead to women developing pelvic or back pain or bladder, bowel or sexual dysfunction. These conditions are something you do not have to put up with after having a baby. When the Mummy MOT is completed you are provided with a bespoke rehabilitation program with your goals and lifestyle factors taken into consideration.